EFT Tapping Scripts

what's a tapping script
EFT Tapping Points
eft tapping script for grief
  • Start with your setup statement: “Even though I am grieving my grandfather’s passing, I fully and completely accept myself.”
  • Begin your tapping sequence, using the appropriate meridian points (e.g., the edge of your palm beneath your little finger). Repeat your setup statement three times as you do this.
  • Once you have repeated your setup statement three times, tap on the rest of the points on your body while saying your reminder phrase (e.g., “grieving my grandfather’s death.”
  • Tapping top of the head: “This overwhelming sense of loss.”
  • Tapping eyebrow point: “This deep sadness…”
  • Tapping side of the eye: “Feeling like I can`t handle it all.”
  • Tapping under the eye: “It’s hard to let go of the pain…”
  • Tapping under the nose: “I feel this grief in every part of me…”
  • Tapping chin point: “I miss him every day…”
  • Tapping collarbone point: “It’s hard to move on…”
  • Tapping under the arm: “I love my grandfather…”
eft tapping script for stress
Eft tapping script for stress
  • Start with your setup statement: “Even though I am stressed out about my driving test, I fully and completely accept myself.”
  • Begin your tapping sequence, using the appropriate meridian points. Repeat your setup statement three times as you do this.
  • You may use additional statements if you choose. For example, “This stress is moving through my body. I acknowledge this stress, and I am going to be present with it. As I continue to tap, my nervous system will feel more calm. I am starting to think more clearly and know that I can experience peace.”
  • Once you have repeated your setup statement three times, tap on the rest of the points on your body while saying your reminder phrase (e.g., “stress about driving test.”
  • Tapping top of the head: “This overwhelming sense of stress.”
  • Tapping eyebrow point: “The tension in my hands and the fear of making a mistake.”
  • Tapping side of the eye: “The pressure to pass, feeling like everyone’s expecting so much.”
  • Tapping under the eye: “Nervous about the unknown questions or unexpected situations on the road.”
  • Tapping under the nose: “Worrying about the parallel parking or tricky manoeuvres.”
  • Tapping chin point: “Overwhelmed by all the rules and signals, afraid I’ll forget something important.”
  • Tapping collarbone point: “Thinking about the examiner watching.”
  • Tapping under the arm: “This makes me so tight.”
eft tapping script for fear
  • Start with your setup statement: “Even though I feel fear in my stomach about going to the dentist, I fully and completely accept myself.”
  • Begin your tapping sequence, tapping gently on the appropriate meridian points. Repeat your setup statement three times as you do this.
  • You may use additional statements if you choose. For example, “While this fear has stopped me from attending appointments in the past, I believe in myself. All that I need to do is show up. I give myself permission to show up and release control.”
  • Once you have repeated your setup statement three times, tap on the rest of the points on your body while saying your reminder phrase (e.g., “fear of the dentist.”)

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