Hey, it’s Rad here, the founder and creator of tappingschool.com.

If you’re looking to overcome and finally combat constant worry, overwhelming stress and crippling anxiety to lead a happier, successful life, you’ve come to the right place.
If you’ve ever asked yourself the following questions…
● How can I sleep better at night?
● How can I deal with negative emotions?
● How can I raise my self-esteem?
● How can I create a positive relationship with myself and my family and friends?
● How can I stop procrastinating and start converting ideas into action?

…you are in the right place
Tapping School is a place where you can come for emotional well-being advice, strategies to improve self-image and tips to boost your overall happiness in life.
My effective approach to stress and anxiety is why subscribers from my channel say:
I never thought this was possible
I never thought of expressing emotions being so important to so many different bodily processes.
How TappingSchool.com Can Help Your Success And Happiness in Your Life.
Dr Joe Dispenza stated that
“If you can’t control your mind, everything and everyone else will”
I completely agree and more importantly, I’ll show you how to take back control over your mind and life.
Most so-called gurus share so much of their lavish lifestyle and success stories, but not many of them talk about how important it is to process all unprocessed emotions and peel off the layers of deconstructive belief systems and low self-esteem.
If only it was that easy!
We are all different, with different beliefs and realities, so that’s why TappingSchool is here to help you transform you and teach you how to process unresolved issues and apply lifestyle changes, install new constructive beliefs and habits for long-lasting fulfilled, happy and balanced life.
After conducting an extensive study on the issue, analysing several case studies and trialling different methods, I have learnt that the issue is far less simplistic.
TappingSchool is here to tell you why…
The site promotes my knowledge, services and proven strategies, along with invaluable
information about emotional freedom technique, psychology and emotional wellbeing which I will also share on my blog. Blog too.
And the best part?
I’ll show you how to achieve peace of mind without sacrificing your well being or energy. It sounds too good to be true I know, but it really is possible.
I did it myself and that’s why I want to share my ideas, journey and proven strategies with you.
Personally, I used the strategies that I am about to share with you now to overcome a series of childhood and relationship traumas which led me to feel unworthy, unsociable and unloved.
If you would like to learn more and embark upon a journey to unlock a new, better you sign up (for free) and receive effective and powerful tactics from the most respected doctors, New York Times best-selling authors and, of course, me (Rad Swarovski)
Tapping School Mission
TappingSchool is a thriving community of people who want to improve their wellbeing in this fast-paced world, learn powerful tips to help with stress and anxiety and to be more aligned with their bodies ….more energy…more balance…more at ease…and more healthy.
Sound good? Join the community now
Many people overlook the holographic picture of our existence.
We in fact exist on multiple levels and I am here to bridge all these levels together—to help us work together, producing outstanding and long-lasting states of mind, body and soul.
Introducing Tapping School Blog
Tapping School the Blog is the place where I publish my detailed research about Psychology, outstanding effectiveness of EFT and other tips to help you with stress and anxiety. I break down everything for you so you can use any of my resources right now to get to where you want to be.
What’s the best way to get your hands on all this proven—and the most powerful—material on the web?
Sign up below for your discovery call and start changing your life for the better.