EFT Tapping Scripts

A tapping script in EFT refers to the words you say out loud during a tapping session. Each eft tapping script has a unique goal. For example, you can create a tapping script to:

  • Release and heal from trauma.
  • Relieve anxiety, nervousness, depression, or stress.
  • Promote happiness, contentedness, or acceptance.
  • Find peace with or relief from chronic health conditions.
  • Meet personal goals (e.g., “stop smoking.”)
  • Improve self-esteem or confidence.

While these are all common uses of tapping, they aren’t the only ones. Ideally, your tapping scripts will be as specific to your needs as possible for optimal success.

what's a tapping script

The emotional freedom technique (EFT) uses tapping to stimulate energy points in the body. These are the same energy points used in acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice that dates back to over 3000 years ago.

EFT is an evidence-based practice that has been confirmed effective through extensive research. When practicing EFT, you use your fingers to tap designated energy points as you move through an eft tapping script.

However, not all tapping scripts are created equally. The tapping script you use can be what makes the difference in whether or not your tapping sessions are successful. So, what should you know?

EFT Tapping Points

First, let’s discuss what a tapping script is and what it entails. Then, we’ll go over samples of EFT tapping scripts and everything you need to know to make an effective tapping script yourself.

Sample of EFT tapping script for grief

eft tapping script for grief

Now, let’s go over some sample scripts. These examples will help you determine when to use your reminder phrase and other components of a successful EFT tapping session. To start, here’s a sample script for grief:

  • Start with your setup statement: “Even though I am grieving my grandfather’s passing, I fully and completely accept myself.”
  • Begin your tapping sequence, using the appropriate meridian points (e.g., the edge of your palm beneath your little finger). Repeat your setup statement three times as you do this.
  • Once you have repeated your setup statement three times, tap on the rest of the points on your body while saying your reminder phrase (e.g., “grieving my grandfather’s death.”
  • Tapping top of the head: “This overwhelming sense of loss.”
  • Tapping eyebrow point: “This deep sadness…”
  • Tapping side of the eye: “Feeling like I can`t handle it all.”
  • Tapping under the eye: “It’s hard to let go of the pain…”
  • Tapping under the nose: “I feel this grief in every part of me…”
  • Tapping chin point: “I miss him every day…”
  • Tapping collarbone point: “It’s hard to move on…”
  • Tapping under the arm: “I love my grandfather…”

While this script is simple, you can make it as complex as you want. The next few samples will go over how to add additional statements to your tapping sequence and other important components of EFT tapping, such as rating your distress. Remember to rate your distress (or the intensity of the emotion or situation) no matter what kind of tapping script you use

Sample of EFT tapping script for stress

eft tapping script for stress

Stress can have a severe impact on your physical and mental health. EFT tapping can help you relieve stress for better well-being. Here’s a sample EFT tapping script for stress, which you can adjust to your own needs:

Eft tapping script for stress
  • Start with your setup statement: “Even though I am stressed out about my driving test, I fully and completely accept myself.”
  • Begin your tapping sequence, using the appropriate meridian points. Repeat your setup statement three times as you do this.
  • You may use additional statements if you choose. For example, “This stress is moving through my body. I acknowledge this stress, and I am going to be present with it. As I continue to tap, my nervous system will feel more calm. I am starting to think more clearly and know that I can experience peace.”
  • Once you have repeated your setup statement three times, tap on the rest of the points on your body while saying your reminder phrase (e.g., “stress about driving test.”
  • Tapping top of the head: “This overwhelming sense of stress.”
  • Tapping eyebrow point: “The tension in my hands and the fear of making a mistake.”
  • Tapping side of the eye: “The pressure to pass, feeling like everyone’s expecting so much.”
  • Tapping under the eye: “Nervous about the unknown questions or unexpected situations on the road.”
  • Tapping under the nose: “Worrying about the parallel parking or tricky manoeuvres.”
  • Tapping chin point: “Overwhelmed by all the rules and signals, afraid I’ll forget something important.”
  • Tapping collarbone point: “Thinking about the examiner watching.”
  • Tapping under the arm: “This makes me so tight.”

As usual, you will want to rate your distress on a scale of 0-10 and repeat the sequence until your distress has lowered significantly. So, if your stress starts out as a 9, you might set a goal to get it down to 3-4.

Sample of EFT tapping script for fear

eft tapping script for fear

Templates for fear or any other issue can be diverse. With that in mind, here is an example of an EFT tapping script for fear:

  • Start with your setup statement: “Even though I feel fear in my stomach about going to the dentist, I fully and completely accept myself.”
  • Begin your tapping sequence, tapping gently on the appropriate meridian points. Repeat your setup statement three times as you do this.
  • You may use additional statements if you choose. For example, “While this fear has stopped me from attending appointments in the past, I believe in myself. All that I need to do is show up. I give myself permission to show up and release control.”
  • Once you have repeated your setup statement three times, tap on the rest of the points on your body while saying your reminder phrase (e.g., “fear of the dentist.”)

Being creative and highly specific is imperative for successful EFT tapping. Add as many or as few additional statements (in this case, “While this fear has stopped me from attending appointments in the past, I believe in myself. All that I need to do is show up. I give myself permission to show up and release control.”) as you want to.

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