The emotional freedom technique (EFT) has become increasingly popular in the UK and across the globe in recent years. Although EFT has been researched and proven helpful for decades, new research continues to emerge. More and more medical professionals and individuals now see what EFT can do for physical and emotional issues.
EFT is noninvasive and has no serious side effects. Part of why it’s gaining popularity in wellness spaces is that it can be learned to use on your own. Like any other technique, it’s critical to understand how to use EFT correctly. Part of using EFT properly is understanding EFT meridian points and how they are. So, what should you know?
This article will serve as a complete guide to EFT meridian points. Let’s start by reviewing what meridian points are, how they’re used in EFT, and why they matter. Then, we’ll discuss the 12 main meridians and their corresponding tapping points.

What are Meridian Points? What’s Their Connection to EFT Tapping?
Meridian points are pathways for energy flow, called “qi.” There are twelve main meridian points on each side of the body. These meridian points are used in traditional Chinese medicine practices like acupuncture, which has been used for over 2,500 years to aid healing from diverse health concerns.
Gary Craig founded the emotional freedom technique (EFT) in the 1990s. EFT tapping lets you unblock the energy system and promotes healthy energy flow by accessing the same meridian points acupuncturists aim for, but through tapping, while employing positive psychology techniques.
The Science Behind EFT and Meridian Points
Each meridian point connects to specific parts of the body. When we review the primary 12 meridian points below, you’ll notice that each one takes a unique path through the body and impacts different parts of the body or mind.
Tapping sequences that work to release the right meridian points — the ones that correspond to the concern you’re having when blocked, like anxiety — can improve emotional health. EFT is evidence-based and has been proven effective for the treatment of anxiety, phobias, depression, PTSD, sports performance, the reduction of cortisol levels, and other concerns.
Why are meridians important?
Meridian points are important because they help you achieve healthy energy flow and provide an essential understanding of how the mind-body connection works. Many people are aware of this connection; what many people do not know is how to use it.
When you know where the meridian points are and how to use them, you can unblock trapped energy flow and release anxiety, stress, trauma, feelings of depression, physical pain, negative emotions, and other mental or physical health challenges you face.
THE 12 PRIMARY MERIDIANS and Relation to EFT Tapping Points
When you follow or create an EFT tapping sequence, it will include tapping points such as under the arm (UA) or Thumb (Th). These points tell you where to tap. Below, we’ll discuss 12 EFT meridian points in depth.
Another component of EFT is the tapping script, which includes statements like “Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.” To strengthen your grasp of tapping scripts, read our blog posts on creating them or set up an appointment with Tapping School London.
Under the Arm (UA) – Spleen Meridian
The spleen meridian supports logical thinking when balanced. It starts at the tip of your big toe, moves up the inner leg, and weaves in and out the stomach until it continues up your body and ends underneath the front side of your shoulder. Tapping with the UA point can relieve fatigue, brain fog, forgetfulness, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, lack of appetite, and muscle weakness linked to an unbalanced spleen meridian.
- Element: Earth
- Direction: Center
- Color: Yellow
- Season: Late summer
Middle Finger (MF) – Liver Meridian
The liver meridian moves through the big toe, inner-step area of your foot, the inner leg, hip, lower abdomen, rib cage, and nipple. A tapping sequence that uses the middle finger point can help you access the liver meridian, relieving anger, irritability, depression, lack of emotional flexibility or control, headaches, dry skin and eyes, blurred vision, joint stiffness, and menstrual issues.
- Element: Wood
- Direction: East
- Color: Deep Green
- Season: Spring
Thumb (Th) – Lung Meridian
The lung meridian crosses the front of your shoulder and inner arm, ending at the corner of your thumbnail. Working with the thumb EFT tapping point can relieve grief, loss, and sadness.
- Element: Metal
- Direction: West
- Color: White
- Season: Autumn
Under the Eye (UE) – Stomach Meridian
The stomach meridian starts below the eye toward the inner nose, where you’ll softly tap during an EFT sequence that instructs you to tap the UE point. It then descends, follows the jawline, and moves up the skull, back down to the throat, chest, and abdomen before running down the front of your legs and feet, ending at the outer edge of your big toe. Choose a tapping sequence that targets this meridian to help with nervousness, anxiety, worry, or lack of acceptance.
- Element: Earth
- Direction: Center
- Color: Yellow
- Season: Late Summer
Gamut Point – Triple Warmer Meridian
The triple warmer meridian starts at the tip of the ring finger, runs through the back of your arm, and ends at your collarbone. The gamut point, which helps you access healthy, positive energy flow from this meridian, is located between your pinky and ring finger on the back of your hand. Tapping sequences that utilize this point can help with anxiety, overwhelm, fear, hormonal and digestive issues, and fatigue.
- Element: Fire
- Direction: South
- Color: Orange-Red
- Season: Summer
Index Finger (IF) – Large Intestine Meridian Point
The large intestine meridian starts outside of the index fingernail (which is where you’ll tap in an EFT tapping sequence that uses the IF point), traveling up to the top of the arm and crossing over the shoulder and back, then moving up the throat and ending just beneath your nose. Tapping sequences that use this point can help with abdominal pain, trouble letting go emotionally, and shoulder pain.
- Element: Metal
- Direction: West
- Color: Off-White
- Season: Autumn
Baby Finger (BF) – Heart Meridian
The heart meridian starts by your armpit, moves down your lower inner arm, and ends at the tip of your little finger, also called the pinkie or “baby finger.” Tap on the inner corner of your pinkie finger when a tapping sequence instructs you to tap the BF point. This can help with anxiety, mood problems, and healthy emotional expression.
- Element: Fire
- Direction: South
- Color: Red
- Season: Summer
Karate Chop (KC) – Small Intestine Meridian
The small intestine meridian moves from the tip of your little finger, up the lower back of your arm and back of your shoulder, and over to the side of your neck, cheek, and ear. In EFT, the karate chop point, located on the lower outer side of your hand, helps you access the small intestine meridian. This can help with poor digestion, bloating, acne, nerve pain, and poor circulation.
- Element: Fire
- Direction: South
- Color: Pink-Red
- Season: Summer
Beginning of the Collarbone (CB) – Kidney Meridian
The CB tapping point is located directly below your collarbone. Using a tapping sequence where you tap below the collarbone interacts with the kidney meridian, which travels down the body to the inner foot. This can help with emotional control, coping with hardship, urinary issues, backaches, tinnitus, and asthma.
- Element: Water
- Direction: North
- Color: Black
- Season: Winter
Middle Finger (MF) – Pericardium/Blood Circulation Meridian
The pericardium meridian, also called the blood circulation meridian, starts at the middle of your chest, goes outward and across the entirety of the chest, down to the diaphragm, along the inner arm, and stops at the tip of your middle fingernail. Using a tapping sequence that employs the middle finger point can help with depression, phobias, feeling closed off, trouble expressing emotions, and heart, chest, or stomach problems.
- Element: Fire
- Direction: South
- Color: Purple-Red
- Season: Summer
Side of the Eye (SE) – Gall Bladder Meridian
The gallbladder meridian starts at the side of your eye, so it makes sense that the side of the eye (SE) is the corresponding tapping point. From the side of the eye, the gallbladder meridian runs up and down above the ear, over the eye, down the back of the skull, the side of the body and leg, and the outer edge of your fourth toe.
An imbalance of the gallbladder meridian point can cause insomnia, stiffness, anxiety, indecisiveness, bloating, liver pain, and skin or urine problems. EFT tapping sequences that use the SE point can help with all of the above.
- Element: Wood
- Direction: East
- Color: Green
- Season: Spring
Top of the Head (TH) and Eyebrow (EB) – Governing Vessel and Bladder Meridian
The governing vessel runs from the center of your body to your lower back, over the top of your head, and under your nose. You can access it in multiple ways. The governing vessel has 28 acupoints.
A tapping sequence that uses the TH or EB points can help you access the bladder meridian, which can help with anger, frustration, decision-making problems, and resentment.
Tapping the top of your head (TH) or under the nose (UN) can help you access the governing meridian, which can help with mental disorders, anger, headaches, back pain, shoulder or neck stiffness, and trouble expressing emotions.
- Element: Water (both)
- Direction: North (bladder)
- Color: The governing vessel is red-orange; the bladder meridian is blue or dark blue
- Season: Winter (bladder)