— Welcome I’m Rad

About Me

Tapping School was founded by Rad Swierkowski.

Rad is a professional EFT practitioner specializing in combining spiritual Psychology and lifestyle changes.​

Rad at Tapping School

Holistic Approach

In his work, he uses a perfect blend of Psychology (reconstructing self-image, emotions, case studies, EFT) and lifestyle changes to help people with daily stress and anxiety, feeling of unworthiness and procrastination and make them feel more balanced and feel more beautiful than ever before.

Holistic Approach

In his work, he uses a perfect blend of Psychology (reconstructing self-image, emotions, case studies, EFT) and lifestyle changes to help people with daily stress and anxiety, feeling of unworthiness and procrastination and make them feel more balanced and feel more beautiful than ever before.

Get Started Now

To figure out if you should go for coaching erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris quam.

Ready To Transform Your Relationship?

Do you ever feel stuck in relationship?
Do you have resentments against lorem?
Are you scared of commitment?
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